DISC JET MILL of Diamond Powder

Date:2021-10-29 10:03:23 | Views:

In this economically booming area, many people know that the airflow crusher is in a leading position in the same industry in the same industry.

DISC Jet Mill OF Diamond Powder temperature will rise, when the temperature of the working fluid is too high, the flow rate of the gas increases. Take air as an example, the critical speed at room temperature is 320 m / sec, when the temperature rises to 480 ° C, the critical speed can be increased to 500 m / sec, that is, the kinetic energy increases by 150%. Therefore, increasing the temperature of the working fluid is conducive to improving pulverization. The pressure of the working fluid is the main parameters of the jet speed, but also the main parameters affecting the fineness of the break. Typically, the higher the pressure of the working fluid, the faster the speed, the greater the kinetic energy. When the titanium powder is pulverized by superheated steam, the vapor pressure is usually from 0.8 to 1.7 MPa, and generally pulverized calcined material is high, and the material after the pulverized surface is low.

DISC Jet Mill OF Diamond Powder is designed and developed using a mixed powder spraying principle. Suitable for pharmaceutical, food, chemical and other industries. It is widely used. Cold source forms a closed circuit circulation system, which takes advantage of energy and energy conservation: Wenjing pulverized can drop to zero down 196 degrees, depending on the brittle temperature of the material, the temperature can be controlled by the pulverization process, select the best grinding temperature, reduce the pulverization fine The degree can reach 10-700 energy consumption, and even reach micron wood fineness.

DISC JET MILL OF Diamond Powder Cold When there is oil, it should be cleaned in time

DISC JET MILL of Diamond Powder has been exchanged into an essential equipment in the field of industrial manufacturing, as a Common production equipment is not only the advantage, and sometimes DISC JET MILL OF Diamond Powder will also be damaged. Let's take a look at how to check the repair equipment together with Xiaobian.

Daily Maintenance Disc Jet Mill of Diamond Powder To check the power outlet, plug, the power cord has no oxygen off, the break, if you do not have a power test machine, when the motor is powered, When the handlight movement is rotatable, it can be concluded that there is a capacity failure in the two start capacitances of the machine. If you can make a discharge spark and a very frightening, the capacitor can be used; if the sparks and sound are weak, the capacity of the capacitance has decreased, and the new or add a small capacitor. The airflow pulverizer does not use this method if the capacitor has damaged the short circuit, and it must be replaced with the same size new product.

In addition to DISC JET MILL of Diamond PowderThere is also one of this product is a rod mill high-speed crusher. The quality of this crusher is very good, and the daily maintenance is more important. The following is the maintenance focus of this type of airflow pulverizer. Check if the lubrication of the bearing is good to check if all fasteners are tight. Check if the drive belt is installed correctly and the situation is good. Check if the protective device is good. If the protective device is found, it should be excluded in time. Check that there is no material or other debris in the damage chamber, if it is sometimes cleaned. Check if the hydraulic starting machine head or the starting roof rod is returned, the adjustment space is installed correctly and compact.

The above is the knowledge of the product daily maintenance and maintenance of the DISC Jet Mill of Diamond Powder manufacturers.
ALPA Graphite Disc Jet Mill of Diamond Power Case Sharing: This customer is a research institution, in the study, the graphite needs to be superfined. Through multiple incoming experiments, we finally chose our ALPA DIT MILL of Diamond Powder.

Technical parameters:

Finished granularity: D50: 10-30μm
Production capacity: 30-50kg

Shan dong alpa is committed to DISC JET MILL OF Diamond Powder, mature Process, there is a high-energy technology R \u0026 D team, specializing in crusher research and development, survive by quality, welcome everyone to come to consult.

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