Air Classifier of PolyureThane

Date:2021-11-16 09:19:17 | Views:

Since Air Classifier of PolyureThane is widely used in all walks of life, the research and development of classified machines at home and abroad pays great attention. In the current market, there is a great development space.

Air Classifier Of PolyureThane is simple, but the function is very powerful, using Air Classifier of PolyureThane usually gets a very good effect. Its design is simple, easy to operate, easy to clean.

In the conventional dispersion pulverization process, it is difficult to overcome the phenomenon of heating, viscosity. The machine uses a swirling high-speed rotational movement to produce a strong airflow in the mill. The material enters the crushing room under the negative pressure of the feed port. The vortex vibration generated by the strong gas flow between the blade and the module is generated by impact, shearing and grinding. The heat of the crushing room is taken away by the airflow, and the heat generated during the crushing process does not accumulate. The finished powder from the screen stream, improves the weight of the mill can be adjusted by the screen production efficiency, and the fineness is uniform.

AIR Classifier Of PolyureThane has many core accessories, and these attachments are also fragile parts. Once they don't pay attention to maintenance, it will cause serious consequences, especially if the gas flow grinding spindle will cause downtime, and cannot estimate the output loss. The following sections describe the reasons for the fracture of the airflow grinding main axis.

The cause of the airflow grinding main shaft is easy to damage:
1. Since the pulverizer is a long-time crushing and ground bulk ore, the mechanical impact will cause fatigue damage to the spindle, if it is operated, the surface of the spindle Will wear, if you don't pay attention, cracks are generated.
2. The air supply will pass the airflower overload. When gas flow is used, you need to feed it properly, and each machine is limited. If this is exceeded, the component is easily damaged in the load operation, which will affect the overall service life of the airflow.
3. During mining and transportation, ore is often mixed with some waste metals. When these objects are in electromagnets at the upper portion of the belt, the electromagnet cannot be Excluding, causing these materials in ore and mud into gas flow, resulting in frequent iron, resulting in frequent impact on the spindle and other portions.
The above is why the Air Classifier of PolyureThane spindle is easily damaged.

ALPA Phenolic Resin AIR Classifier of PolyureThane Case Sharing: The company has a manufacturer of phenolic resin in its customers. The company has found many powder equipment companies without suitable equipment. Finally, find us AlPa,Come in the experiment, our company's products Air Classifier of Polyurethane.

Technical parameters:

finished particle size: D50 less than 5μm
Production capacity: greater than 50kg / h

The company produces a variety of Air Classifier of PolyureThane and airflow grinding, there is a completeTest methods and sample equipment and laboratory equipment, the production of pulverizer is widely used in chemical, pharmaceutical, minerals, electronics, pesticides, ceramics and other industries.Welcome to contact us if you need to buy products.

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