Jet Mill for Schisandra

Date:2021-12-06 09:18:48 | Views:

In the rapid development of the rapid development, many people have a certain understanding of Jet Mill for Schisandra, and crusher technology is in an absolute leading position in the industry.

The distinction between the ultrafine pulverizer and the ordinary pulverizer in the crush:
The ordinary pulverizer can only be smashed into 200 mesh, and 200 mesh is 75 microns. It is the size of the flour, and the ordinary flour is about 80 mesh 160 mes, that is, 90 to 180 microns, this is the thickness of the ordinary pulverizer to print powder.
The ultrafine pulverizer can be super micro-pulverized, can be smashed to 10,000 mesh, 10,000 mesh is 1.3μm, which is equivalent to the particles of the flour, and then pulverized into 70 copies, each size is 10,000 mesh, can It is very thin.

The working principle of Jet Mill for Schisandra is: the compressed air is dried, and the pulverizing cavity is entered through the nozzle after drying. In the pulverizing cavity, the material can be pulverized by a high pressure gas stream. Thereafter, the crude material can be separated from the centrifugal force generated by the grading turbine. Particles that meet the particle size requirements are in the cyclone separator and the dust collector, and the particles collected, and the particles that do not meet the requirements continue to be pulverized.

Jet Mill for Schisandra generates certain noise during production, the main reason for generating noise is:
(1) When the coal mill is running, the operating member drives air to generate a \"whistle\" call. :
(2) The device is running. Generate vibration sound; (3), the friction between the turntable or the hammer and the drug; the rotating part itself is friction.

For the cause of noise, the main solution is as follows:
(1) adding oil to each rotating member, if the bearing and the axis are misalign, adjust the bearing wear, replace the bearing;
( 2) The heat generated during the breaking process also produces noise, and cools the cooling of the crushing chamber, the muffler is mounted in the air intake port of the pulverizer; (3) damping the damping pad and other devices.

AlPa Pectin Jet Mill for Schisandra Case Sharing: Yantai A pectin shares, the company needs to purchase a superfine pulverized device for pulverizing gelatin. Through multi-party investment and incoming experiment, the company purchased our ALPA Jet Mill for Schisandra as its pectin ultrafine pulverized equipment.

Technical parameters:
Finished granularity: 60-200 目
Production capacity: 300kg

The above is the use of Jet Mill for Schisandra, you want Understand other crushersKnowledge friends can pay more attention to us!

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