Problems in ultrafine pulverization in Chinese medicine

Date:2021-08-16 10:42:30 | Views:

The following is the problem of RTM Turbo Mill-Traditional Chinese Medicine Ultrafine Crush

1. The equipment required for production should have good stability, no pollution to the product, and should pay attention to the self ignition of the powder.

 2. The degree of crushing Chinese medicine is mainly botanic, animal medicines and mineral medicines. Among them, plants are divided into roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, bark, etc. according to pharmaceutical parts, and the ingredients are very complicated. Not all drugs are suitable. Ultrafine pulverization is not the finer, the better. For example, if the drug contains volatile oil, the powder may be lost when the powder is prepared by ultrafine pulverization, which may affect the efficacy of the drug, so it is necessary to carefully check it.

3. In vivo adhesion due to the small particles of biological comminutions, whether they will adhere to the gastrointestinal mucosa, affect gastrointestinal motility, mucosa absorption, gastrointestinal hormone secretion, cell and cell membrane function remain to be studied. Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine studied some Chinese medicine ultrafine powder and found that there was no such adverse reactions in the clinic, but this requires further large-scale clinical research.

 4. Side effects for drugs containing toxic components, ultrafine pulverization may increase toxicity and affect the safety of the drug. The dissolution rate of the bioplatte formulation increases, and the dissolution of the active ingredient and other components increases. Whether the intracellular active ingredient of Chinese medicine cells may cause chemical changes, and is caused by organs or systems such as kidneys, liver, blood, cardiovascular, nervous system. New adverse reactions or side effects should be carefully examined and strengthen pharmacology and clinical research.

5. Chinese medicine ultrafine pulverization prospects Chinese medicine is China's cultural treasure house. After entering the 21st century, the world entered an aging society. People have a major change in the concept of disease prevention and treatment, and even medical models. Now, people know that preventing disease should pay attention to preventive and health, and pay attention to timely adjustment of sub-health. The theory of Chinese medicine emphasizes the "harmony between people", advocating the coordination of people and the environment; "external factors play a role through internal factors"; emphasize "drug abuse and drug abuse"; Chinese medicine, due to its various characteristics, plus global return nature trends People hope traditional Chinese medicine and natural drugs.

The above is the problem of RTM Turbo Mill-Chinese medicine ultrafine pulverization, Shandong Alpa Powder Technology Co., Ltd. is a variety of Jet Mill, airflow mill, medical Jet Mil The development, manufacturing, and application of disc Jet Mill.

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