Crusher equipment manufacturers talk about the working principle of whirlwind separator

Date:2021-08-31 17:16:01 | Views:

What is the operation of the operating principle of the cyclone separator?

Cyclone separator, see these five words should not feel unfamiliar, because in the previous article already explained this, if everyone pays attention to the website. So, I have already opened my head, and I have made some basic introductions.

So, let's continue, then introduce it to it, add some new knowledge content, so that everyone can continue to learn. Master you more.

First. Operation of the cyclone

1. The switched process will turn off the intake valve first, then close the air valve.

2. Sink

(1) Slow open the sewage valve to send sewage to sewage irrigation.

(2) When the liquid level in the separator drops to the lower decontamination limit, the sewage valve is immediately turned off immediately.

3. The recovery process slowly open the intake valve, then slowly open the air valve, and the separator is restored.

Second, the precautions for cyclone separators

1. The sewage valve should be slowly open, and the opening degree should be moderate, and it is too small.

2. The closure of the sewage valve is rapid, so as not to impact sewage.

3. At any time, you should pay attention to observation during the sewage process, the operator cannot leave, and do a good job of sewage records.

Third, the daily inspection of the cyclone

1. The operating parameters of the cyclone separator cannot exceed the specified requirements.

2. The cyclone separator should be kept clean, no rust, dirty, and no leakage phenomenon.

 3. The housing weld should be checked whether there is crack, leakage and other phenomena.

4. Fasteners, equipment foundation, bolt nuts, etc. are normal, there is no phenomenon such as loose, corrosion or cracking, if there should be in time. Whether the safety attachment is complete and sensitive.

5. Is the device has a good grounding process, and the grounding wire is connected firmly.

Welcome to Shandong Alpa Powder Technology Co., Ltd., the above for crusher equipment manufacturers talk about the working principle of whirlwind separator.

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