Jet Mill of Albite Technology is one of the important basic technologies in the modern industry. In modern industries, it is required to have a fine and uniform particle size and higher purity, and after ultrafine raw materials. The nature changes, which makes ordinary materials have a broader application range,
With the increasing social demand, Jet Mill of Albite's performance, product quality, etc. are facing huge challenges. Therefore, ALPA Technology Co., Ltd. persisted unremitting, continuously improved the superfine grade strength, particle size distribution, particle crystal form, etc. to achieve more production.
ALPA, strive to achieve low energy consumption, high yield, non-pollution in ultra-fine classifier, achieve good granularity, dispersion, unique and potential performance of the product, improve the competitiveness of powder classifier, environmental protection and low Power performance.
Installation, operation and maintenance is three important factors using Jet Mill of Albite. The wear and consumption of each operation has always been a key factor in each startup operation. In order to use the airflow pulverizer for a long time, please adjust the open mode. Boot is a standard, for the first time to contact and use this kind of equipment, it is always a very strange state. In fact, it is very simple, the best way is to familiarize yourself with the consumer content on the instructions or have no use value. Timely specification and familiar. After each startup, check the airflow pulverizer in time to develop good usage habits. In the future, we don't need to pay attention to and familiarize.
The airflow pulverizer has improved and improved from the design and component combination, gave us a lot of help. It is good quality, but it is also declined for a long time without maintenance and maintenance. Check the operating components, electrical components, and transmission. Once an abnormality occurs, please repair it in time, without a fault, gas mill, prevent accidents. ALPA Crystalline Sulfur Jet Mill of Albite Case Sharing: Shenyang needs an apparatus capable of ultrafine pulverizing crystalline sulfur. Crystalline sulfur is a flammable and explosive raw material, so there is a very high demand of the explosion-proof system of the pulverized apparatus. After many examinations, our company's nitrogen protection Jet Mill of AlbiteMeet the production needs of the company.Jet Mill of Albite has an advantage in security, production capacity, energy consumption.
Technical parameters:
Production capacity: 1.5T
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