Air Classifier Mill for Purple Carrot Powder

Date:2021-12-24 11:40:26 | Views:

Air Classifier Mill for Purple Carrot Powder is a very convenient device that can be used to crush all kinds of products, especially some fine particle products need to be used.

Super micro Air Classifier Mill Advantages of For Purple Carrot Powder:

(1) Increase the drug absorption, improve its bioavailability, the smaller the particles of the drug molecule, the more conducive to the absorption of the human body to the drug. The particle size size of the drug is often affecting the traditional Chinese medicine factors that absorbs, and the drug after ultrafine pulverization is thinner, the specific surface area increases, the porosity increases, the drug can be better dispersed, and the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe gastrointestinal contact is increased. Large, conducive to the absorption of the gastrointestinal drugs. It can be divided into certain herbs due to the thickness of the particles, and have a problem of low body absorption rate or slow absorption. After ultrafilling, since the particle size is greatly reduced, it can be added to the body, and the absorption speed is increased, and the absorption is improved.

(2) Advantageously, the biologically active ingredient of the drug, improves the efficacy, especially Chinese herbal medicine in the process of gas flow, can achieve low temperature and pulverization through intervention, so that the pulverization speed is faster, and it is also conducive to retaining Some of the non-high temperature biological active ingredients in the Chinese medicine ingredients can reserve the efficacy of nutrients. Such as pearls, use traditional methods to destroy their partial components, and ultrafine pulverization is performed under low temperature conditions of -67 ° C, which can relatively retain effective ingredients, enhance their effects of delaying aging; the same, Ganoderma lucidum contains very rich Amino acids and trace elements have activated immune function, anti-tumor, anti-thrombus, etc.

(3) Save energy, easy to apply the AIR Classifier Mill for Purrot Powder, can be smaller, and the scenery is superimposed, and it can be treated with the process of leaching, decoction. The production link also avoids the loss of active ingredients in these links.

AIR Classifier Mill for Purrot Powder Working Principles:

The power of the machine uses purification and dry compressed air. The compressed air is sprayed into the crushing chamber at high speeds of special supersonic nozzles. The airflow has a high-speed movement of the material, resulting in a strong collision, friction and shear between materials and materials, thereby achieving breaking. Outlet, enter the collection system. The pulverized material rises into the classification chamber to meet the particle size required by the granularity, and the particles do not reach the particle size required to continue pulverization. The entire production process is fully closed, continuous operation, no dust pollution, through dust removal, filter purificationgas.

AIR Classifier Mill for Purple Carrot Powder Silk is not small, the material is stacked in the silo plate knot, and the material is marked, and the material appears in the silo. The bridge phenomenon, the reasons such as the stamping cone angle design without reference materials. Solving silo does not small materials suggests design phase to fully understand the properties of materials, such as pile specific gravity, liquidity, moisture resistance, rest horn, particle size, flammable and explosive properties. Using auxiliary measures, such as air disc, air hammer, air blowing, vibration discharge mechanism, artificial hitting, etc. The pulverizer is an apparatus for ultrafine pulverized dry materials with air separation, heavy polishing, and shear. It consists of a cylindrical crushed chamber, a polishing wheel, a polishing rail, a fan, a material collection system, and the like. The material enters the cylindrical pulverizing chamber through the feed port, and is crushed along the grinding rail, and the crush is achieved. The pulverized material passes out the pulverizer through the negative pressure air flow caused by the fan, and the material collection system is entered, filtered through the filter bag, the air is discharged, the material, the dust is collected, and the pulverization is completed.

Air Classifier Mill for Purrot Powder's feeding system is one of the key components. It is often encountered in actual use, such as the silo, not even if the feed is not uniform, even can't feed. . Simple analysis of non-uniform feeding of feed is more sticky or fluidity, and the design of the feeding system is designed. Feeding uneven resolution suggests based on material properties systemic solution, such as silo structure, auxiliary sheet structure, feeding valve structure, auxiliary feeding measures, and ventilation and control systems. The feeding system is generally silo, auxiliary tablet equipment, and feeding mechanism three components, depending on the material properties, the design parameters of the feeding system are different.

The above is the use of the AIR Classifier Mill for Purrot Power Products and the simple solution. Everyone must pay more attention when using it.

AlPa Phosphate AIR Classifier Mill for Purrot Powder case Share: This customer is not more than the domestic and foreign countries through comparison of the performance of our ALPA's phosphate special crusher. Powder equipment companies are poor, even in some aspects there are unique advantages. After experimenting, the company purchased Air Classifier Mill for Purple Carrot Powder.
Technical parameters:

finished particle size: D50: 3μm

Production capacity: 400kg

ALPA produced Air CLAssifier Mill for Purple Carrot Powder is a hard-quality device, which supports customization, equipment model, high efficiency, low energy consumption, easy operation, 24 hours, please consult!

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