Fluidized Bed Jet Mill typically requires a comminuted material to have sufficient fineness, which is more pronounced on the material requirements of large density.
When the working principle is: When the equipment is working, the air is sprayed into the pulverized zone by 3 to 7 reverse nozzles, and the pulverized material is fluidized under differential pressure. The accelerated material accelerated in the pulverization area collides with each other, rubbers, and pulverized, and the crushing product is hierarchically graded by the rising airflow to the superfine classifier, and the product requirements are re-collected by the cyclone separator. The material will return to the pulverized region and continue to be pulverized.
Fluidized Bed Jet Mill is a new type of Jet Mill, has the advantages of narrow particle size distribution, high pulverization efficiency, low energy consumption, small product pollution, and small accessories, but also high cost cost.