Development direction of Jet MILL granulation technology

Date:2021-08-31 17:15:17 | Views:

With the integration of high-tech and traditional powder industry, especially computer aided design / manufacturing technology (CAD / CAM) in powder granulation equipment design, manufacturing, computer DCS control system operation operations in powder granulation equipment The use of some new materials such as sodium materials (such as sodium mesh materials), new processes, etc. provide a good opportunity for the development of powder granulation technology.

At present, the trend of powder granulation technology in my country is to develop to the equipment, the structure is compact, the processing process is high-tech, functional diversification, efficiency, and control system automation.

1. Equipment Large-scale With the development of science and technology, the advantages of large-scale production equipment are increasingly obvious, and the application of CAD / CAM technology and precise stress analysis technology has promoted the development of mechanical structure design and processing and manufacturing technology.

Provide a solid technical guarantee for large-scale production of powder granulation equipment. At present, the powder granulation equipment is developed towards the direction of large-scale, and the super-large screw extruder single machine processing capacity can reach 25 ~ 30t / h [3].

Taking the SE series screw granulator as an example, the existing equipment screw has a maximum of 240 mm, and the single-machine processing capacity exceeds 2T / h. The screw diameter is 380mm, and the super-large screw granulator of the stand-alone processing ability is being developed; and the condensation steel band width in the development of the condensed steel band is more than 1.5m, and the length of the equipment is more than 20m. The processing capacity exceeds 6T/h.

2. Another development trend of compact powder granulation equipment is compact structure. The structural design of the device is more reasonable, more compact, more in line with ergonomic principles, thereby reducing manufacturing cost, reducing the footprint, and improving labor efficiency. Taking the SE series screw granulator as an example, the motor is directly coupled to the traditional belt drive, making the device more compact, the transfer torque is large; the transmission torque design is used, and the material transport section, kneading and extrusion section are designed in one On the shaft, the conveying, kneading, and granulation is completed once. These design philosophy represent the development direction of powder granulation equipment.

3. Process technology high-tech with expansion of powder granulation equipment, traditional machining means can not meet powder designTechnical needs. Future powder equipment will be developed towards high-tech direction. If the computer-aided design / manufacturing (CAD / CAM) technology is used for the design, processing of the screw threaded line, the elongated hole processing equipment is used to processed the elongated hole, which uses five sites to achieve space twisted blades. Type line processing, using plasma cutting machine, laser, electric spark processing micro aperture template, using soda-mesh technology (sodium moisture) to treat extrusion screw, turn the steel strip to solve the material holder, product release, etc.

4. Functional diversified powder post-treatment project is a systematic engineering including multidisciplinary, multi-categories, requires the use of powder granulation equipment to reduce intermediate processes to save investment; at the same time, product marketization needs It also requires manufacturers to provide a variety of forms of products.

5. Efficiency is highly efficient as people's energy saving awareness, and the efficiency of powder granulation equipment has higher requirements. This type of equipment is required not only to meet the functional needs, but also energy saving, durable, use, maintenance, and low maintenance costs to reduce product costs.

The granulator is used as an example. If a conventional electromagnetic speed motor is used, the motor power needs to be 45 kW with ordinary governor. If the frequency conversion speed motor is used, it can save more than 30% of the actual use; if the NH series biaxial differential continuous kneaders are used, due to the special design high-efficiency kneading element, and ordinary screw kneaders Comparison, the operating time is shortened, the efficiency is more than double. The adoption of these technologies indicates that high efficiency has become one of the main goals of powder granulation equipment design.

6. Control System Automation With the development of science and technology, whether to use pipeline operation and automation control has become an important indicator for the advancement of techniques for treatment after powder. Automatic control systemControl, not only guarantee the production process, mitigation of operator labor intensity, but more importantly, it can ensure the accuracy and real-time feedback of the production process, improve product quality, and reduce equipment failure rate.

Taking the RF type rotary belt forming device as an example, if the computer DCS distribution control system is used, the automated operation of the flow, granulation, delivery, packaging, etc. can be achieved, but also through various temperature, pressure, flow, speed and other sensors.

Real-time monitoring system status, when the system status and process parameters change, timely feedback changes, send an alarm signal, and automatically adjust the system status according to the status adjustment parameters, and ensure the normal operation of the device. It is foreseeable that the automation of the control system will greatly improve the technical level of my country's powder granulator equipment, and become the inevitable direction of the development of powder granulation equipment.

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